viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

Here comes a new challenge, Vol. II

In the last episode, Nell was jumping around happily due her victory against zBrush refusal to import OBJs, singing and yelling "in your face, destiny obstacles! I'm bigger than God B-)". Then the sky clouds opened, God shown his face, said "oh, yeah?" and this happened:

As we can see, our robot lady has a see through dress that should not be like that at all. Also, she missed an eye. No idea what is causing this, so back to Maya to play with the Cleanup... a bit to see if that fixes anything.  Brb.


Fixing the dress

After running Cleanup... I found this under nonmanifold geometry

Note: do not sew geometry as 
you would sew fabric in real life.

What I did at the time of modelling was creating some "volume" at the edges:

This was what triggered the problem. You solve it by doing the following:

  1. Delete all the attached faces from inside the geometry. This will leave some floating points at the same coordinates which will still cause problems, so...
  2. Get rid of those floating points. I do so by selecting the whole mesh and  hit "merge" (Edit Mesh > Merge) with a narrow margin, so all the overlapping vertex combine into one).
  3. Then, once fixed, you invert and then conform the normals. This is what actually triggers the "transparency" error, but just inverting the normals doesn't fix the issue if the previous steps are not made beforehand, for some reason.
Fixing the eyes.

This does gets solved with just inverting the normals of the missing eye :)

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